The discussion of the Alien series of films and the props used in them is the aim, but if it's got Big Bugs and Big Guns, then they are welcome too!

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 Post subject: Redneck Jokes
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:01 am 
The Dead Mans Hand
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Location: Too Close to Fargo But still in Minnesota, USA
Service Number: A03/TQ1.0.92141E1
Changed Name of post to include another joke. To lazy to start new one. hehe

The Pentagon has announced the formation of a new elite fighting unit, The U.S. Redneck Special Forces!

This new unit is comprised of soldiers from the southern most states of the U.S.

These elite soldiers will be dropped into Iraq and Afghanistan and given only the following information about their enemy:

1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music, or Baby Jesus.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

War should be over in a couple weeks.

Michael Larson

Last edited by 101Radioman on Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:08 am 
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Service Number: A86/TQ3.4.49421E3
Country: United Kingdom
From most of the videos I've seen, they are already over there aren't they? :wink:

Martin 'Victim' Victory
UKCM 13th Regt. 1st Batt. Freebooters

you can't take the PUNK outa Spunkmeyer

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:38 am 
You there! Get me a Turkey!
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Location: Oklahoma City, USA
Service Number: A03/TQ1.0.62157E1
Country: United States
Redeck or not.......god speed to all our fighting men and women over there.

But yep, remove the current restrictions and replace with those....would be a lot easier (innocent civilians removed first ofcourse)


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:55 am 
The Dead Mans Hand
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Location: Too Close to Fargo But still in Minnesota, USA
Service Number: A03/TQ1.0.92141E1
Lawyer vs Redneck


A lawyer and a redneck are sitting next to each other on a long flight.

The lawyer asks if the redneck would like to play a fun game.

The redneck is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks.

The lawyer persists, that the game is a lot of fun. 'I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me only $5; you ask me one, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $500.

This catches the redneck's attention and to keep the lawyer quiet, agrees to play the game.

The lawyer asks the first question. 'What's the distance from the earth to the moon?'

The redneck doesn't say a word, reaches in his pocket pulls out a five dollar bill, and hands it t o the lawyer.

Now , it's the redneck's turn. He asks the lawyer, 'What goes up a hill wi th three legs, and comes down with four?'

The lawyer uses his laptop, searches all references. He uses the Air phone; he searches the Net and even the Library of Congress. He sends e-mails to all the smart friends he knows, all to no avail.

After one hour of searching he finally gives up. He wakes up the redneck and hands him $500.

The redneck pockets the $500 goes right back to sleep.

The lawyer is going nuts not knowing the answer. He wakes the redneck up and asks, 'Well, so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?'

The redneck reaches in his pocket, hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep.

Michael Larson

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:05 pm 
Set to stun

Location: Honiton, Devon
Service Number: A01/TQ9.6.23466E8
Country: United Kingdom
Thats a good one! :lol:



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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:24 pm 
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Location: **Hamilton** Active Duty: USS Socorro
Country: Canada
A guy walks into a sports bar around 9:58 PM. He sits down next to a blonde at the bar and stares up at the TV. The 10:00PM news was coming on. The news crew was covering a story of a man on a ledge of a large building preparing to jump.

The blonde looks at the guy and says, "Do you think he'll jump?"

Guy says, "You know, I bet he'll jump."

The blonde replies, "Well, I bet he won't."

Th guy places a $20 bill on the bar and says, "You're on!"

Just as the blonde placed her money on the bar, the man on the ledge did a swan dive off the building, falling to his death.

The blonde is very upset, but willingly hands her $20 to the guy,
saying, "Fair's fair. Here's your money."

The guy replies, "I can't take your money, I saw this earlier on the 5
PM news and so I knew he would jump."

The blond replies, "I did too; but I didn't think he'd do it again."

I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me! WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME!?!

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:42 pm 
The Pinup
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Location: North Carolina
Country: United States
For all my blonde sisters out there.......

Can't we hold those brunettes down and remove the dye from their hair?!

Gah, giving us a bad rap. :P

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:50 pm 
The Dead Mans Hand
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Location: Too Close to Fargo But still in Minnesota, USA
Service Number: A03/TQ1.0.92141E1
*Hands Ash the Duct Tape*

Michael Larson

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:19 pm 
Too Pretty to Die

Location: Florida, USA
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President. The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.' The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb a$$ put him up there to begin with


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:06 am 
Shithouse Mouse
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Location: Puyallup WA. USA
Service Number: A12/TQ1.0.22137E1
Country: United States
AdonisSniper wrote:
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old Texas rancher, whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President. The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'post turtle'. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.' The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain. 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb a$$ put him up there to begin with


PVT. Schmaus, Christopher J.
2nd Batt 6th Regt
USS Tahoma

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