The discussion of the Alien series of films and the props used in them is the aim, but if it's got Big Bugs and Big Guns, then they are welcome too!

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 Post subject: Forum Rules & Posting Guidelines w/ Image upload instruction
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:13 pm 
Site Admin
User avatar

Location: Wasteland Minnesota, USA
Service Number: A06/TQ2.0.65181E6
Country: United States

1. No flaming - This includes making personal attacks against other members, verbal abuse,
starting knowingly offensive topics, mocking or being offensive towards someone. Such posts or topics will be removed by a moderator on sight.

2. No harassment, bigotry or hate related posts - We have zero tolerance for those who harass or victimize other members
in any way; racism, hatred related posts, retaliation, the spreading of rumors or harassing members via e-mail or private messenger.

The Alien Legacy does not support, or condone in any way, bigotry and hate-speech.
This includes racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, and abusive language used against any vulnerable persons or minorities.

Any member exhibiting such behavior on the forums will have their membership revoked.

In addition to this, any member seen posting such material to their social media, or found to be a member of an extremist or terrorist organization, will be subject to removal from the forums as well.

Actions like this WILL get you banned from the community.

If you have a problem with anyone because of their sex, gender, race, religion, or any other such characteristic; know that whilst they are welcome here, you are not.

In short, our community is a welcoming one, open to all - Except the hateful.

2a. No Threats - We have zero tolerance for threats of violence. None. Threats of Physical violence, sexual violence, or unwarranted
legal action
(Example: You called me a name so I'm going to call a lawyer tomorrow...) will result in you being permanently banned.

2b. No discussions of 'flame bait' materials- These types of discussions include: Sex or sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual, the merits or detraction of either), Race (any race is better/smarter/stronger/etc. than any other), Religion (and related discussions of the relevance or merits/detraction of any given personal belief system or religious group) and the old favorite, Politics. Such discussions will be locked and/or deleted. Just ask yourself regarding these types of discussions: WWAD (What Would Apone Do?)

2c. No Threats or Targeting The Aliens Legacy Administration/Moderation team - There is NO reason for anyone to
target the Admin/Mod team. We're here to help in any way we can. If you have a personal issue with a Moderator, feel free to contact the
Site Administrator. We will take your concerns under advisement and handle them in the method we deem most appropriate. If your
accusations are unmerited, you may be issued a warning. Further attacks on the Mod/Admin team will result in you receiving a
temporary or permanent ban from the site base on the severity of your actions. It takes a bit of effort to get banned here,
but that doesn't mean we'll let you get away with murder. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

2d. No Association with Foreign or Domestic terrorism or hate groups. - If you feel you just have to be a member of
the Klu Klux Klan, the Nazis, Al-Qaeda, "Proud Boyz" or any other hate group or borderline terrorist group... you can do it someplace else.
Our members come from a multitude of racial, ethnic and geographic locations from across the entire world. You can spew your flat-earth,
conspiracy theory, white supremacy nonsense someplace else. You will be banned for this. Well, maybe not the flat-earth believing.
Everyone knows NASA is run by aliens from the hollow earth anyway... :shock: :wink:

2d-1. WWII/Historical reenacting and costuming. - Members who participate in World War II/Korean/Viet Nam/Gulf War reenacting and
costuming are exempt from this rule, unless they are observed to be involved in additional negative actions from section 2d.
You can dress like a member of the Waffen SS, just don't be a Nazi in real life.

3. No 'explicit adult' material - This includes but is not limited to; pornographic material or links, sexually "explicit"
references or images, or "excessive" use of sexual innuendo in posts or blog entries. While the vast majority of the members are of legal
age and both genders, remember that we have visitors of all ages who may not be comfortable with "questionable" material.
Please try to respect this fact when you post. :mrgreen:

4. No "overly" offensive language - Users are encouraged to avoid using "overly" offensive language and vulgarities when
they post. We don't currently use a word filter on these forums, and we've never needed one before as the majority of the members are pretty self
regulating. Please respect those who do not want to read swear words and vulgarities and normally avoid the use of such language in your posts.

5. No profile abuse - Using your profile to post offensive or unsuitable material, or using it to harass or offend another user is unacceptable.

5b. No excessive Signature sizes- Please be sensible when it comes to the size of your signature. Having a signature that is
twice as long as your posts is generally frowned upon. The moderators reserve the right to remove your signature if they find it overly long,
offensive or unsuitable.

Please restrict your signature size to one banner link or a couple lines of text.

The maximum allowed avatar size is 125 x 125 pixels.

The maximum allowed banner size is 600w x 100h pixels or 150 pixels hight in TOTAL (Essentially, a 100 pixel banner and 3 lines of single spaced text or something close to that). A 600 pixel high banner is WAY too large!

Also, 15 lines of text and three banners is a POST and NOT a signature!

6. No multiple identities/sockpuppets - Registering multiple usernames and posting under all of them as different people will not
be tolerated. IP Addresses are logged and Administration will know (eventually) if you're doing this. Anyone caught doing this will have ALL related
usernames disabled and their posting privileges removed.

6b. No Identity hijacking/spoofing - Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Saying you're "really James Cameron" or "Harry Harris" will
get you banned for trolling. Hijacking the identity or account of another forum member WILL get you banned. Period.

7. Selling items on the forum- Sales posts are only permitted in The Base PX. Sales and interest threads in other forums will be deleted.
The rules for The Base PX can be found HERE.

To access the PX you NEED to have a level of participation in this community! We are NOT going to post the minimum
number of posts required, but it is REALLY LOW compared to other forums out there. Just spend a couple days reading the
threads on the forum. Make the occasional comment. Offer a prop building tip or technique. Ask questions about things.
In NO TIME AT ALL you'll have full access ability.


The only exception to this rule is an item that claims to be screen used (a pulse rifle for example) and you want a clarification/second opinion. If the item being sold
is a "found item" that was used in the films (such as a Racal headset, alarm box, Gerber Knives, stedicam arms, etc...), feel free to make an offer of a group buy.

And no, Pulse Rifles are NOT found items. ;)

8. Please stay on topic - Please try to post in the correct board sections, the forum is divided into different boards so that discussions can
be grouped based on their subjects, the moderators will move threads that are inappropriate to the category in which they have been started. It is also encouraged
for users to stay on topic within specific threads as well, if a thread has gone totally off topic then it is likely to end up being locked.

9. No forming invite-only 'cliques' or groups - The forming or promotion of invite-only groups on the forum is prohibited, any threads aimed at forming or promoting such a group will be removed. We believe that such groups which exclude members who have not been specifically invited is counter productive to our efforts to provide an open, friendly discussion forum service in which everyone can participate.

10. No plagiarism - Please do not copy other people's work, either from this site or from another site, without properly acknowledging the original source or author; passing off other people's work as your own is plagiarism and will not be tolerated on the forum. This includes (but is NOT limited to) Text documents, photos, art documents, etc. Stealing other people's hard work is not only lazy, it's wrong.

11. NO SPAM - Spamming the boards will not be tolerated. What constitutes spam includes the following: using the forum to post advertisements for UNRELATED websites, products or services, posting on the forum primarily for the purpose of advertising a website, product or service, posting large numbers of one worded posts or posts containing large empty spaces, starting identical threads in multiple board sections, posting solely for the purpose of increasing your post count, to 'bump' a topic or to aggravate and annoy other users.

12. Please "speak" in a language the users will understand - We understand there are users who do not speak English as a first language, and that is fine, but AVOID the use of '1337' speak. Despite what 12 year olds the world across think, "1337" is NOT a language. It IS however, just annoying.

13. Please respect the moderators decisions - Any thread or post which is designed to criticise or question the decision of a moderator will be deleted on sight. If you have a query relating to a moderator, please send an e-mail or instant message to the moderator in question or to an administrator.

14. The 'Aliens Legacy' name, logo and/or site graphics may not be used in an off site project without written permission of the site administrator.

Please contact us if you'd like to use the logos for your fan or
community related projects. The worst we can say is no.

15. The staff of the Aliens Legacy forums reserves the right to ban users who abuse the guidelines depending on the severity of the infraction. You will not get banned because you used a "bad" word. You may get banned if you spam/flame the forums or post inappropriate content (Example:"Visit my porn site here!"). We're a pretty tolerant group, but if you come here just to stir up trouble, you won't be a member here long. Ban periods can vary from as little as a week, to as long as eternity. :mrgreen: Please remember that your membership to these forums is a privledge and not a right. Even in light of this we try to the best of our humanity to treat everyone equally. As they say in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism; a medieval reenactment society): You will be treated as a lord or lady until you prove yourself to be otherwise.

16. Aliens Legacy forums reserve the right to change or add to these rules at any time, and in any situation the decision of an Administrator is final.

17. As of 2/16/2015 the Aliens Legacy staff are:

Site Owner/System Admin: Mike "Hunterkiller86" Rizzuto

Site Admin At Large: Russ "Rook" Krook III

Chief System Tech Admins/Moderators:

Aliens Legacy Site Moderators at Large: Harry Harris, Willie Goldman, Steve "Scapey" Fletcher

UACM Section Moderator:

UKCM Section Moderator:

USCM Section Moderator:

Archive Section Moderator: Willie Goldman

Disclaimer - All props and costumes shown by the members within the Aliens Legacy forums, remains their
Property and the Staff of Aliens Legacy do not endorse the sale or Copy of Copyrighted items therefore
we are not liable and cannot be held accountable for Members personal possessions.

Original The Aliens Legacy FAQ / Posting Guidelines

NOTE: The guidelines posted below were previously located in the Archives section of the Aliens Legacy EZBoard, and while a couple subjects do crossover with the above information, it's useful enough to remain for viewing.

Q: What is this board about?
A: Discussion of the Aliens series of films with regards to the
props used in them and the personal construction of replica's of
those props. The board should not be used as an advertisement
and 'interest' gauge for the sale of runs of counterfeit goods or
parts of copyrighted material.

A certain amount of related film and prop dicussion is not only allowed, but encouraged, as such discussion keeps the discussion lively and introduces a fresh perspective to the core subject (see below: What does "OT" mean?).

In light of the core subject area, the members are asked to keep to related Sci-Fi Fantasy and Action movies and TV shows. Big Guns and Bigger Bugs (Example: Starship Troopers, Space: Above And Beyond, etc.) are definitely of interest!!

In the event that your post is more suited to other active bulletin boards you should consider posting to:

1." onclick=";return false; (Replica Prop Forums)
2." onclick=";return false; (Dewback Wing ASAP: A Site About Props)

Q: What does "OT" mean?
A: "OT" or "Off Topic" is used to denote a thread subject that while not related to the core subject of Aliens films and props, may still be a valid subject of discussion and thus welcomed on the board. Thus a thread title of "OT: Does anyone make a replica Morita" would be appropriate.

"OT" should "normally" not be used to introduce subjects that have absolutely NO relevance to the board such as "Who likes Brittany Spears?" or "Which cheese smells the worst?" or "Who else besides Harry looks like Phil Collins?". We now have an OT forum section, but be aware that any threads deemed by the admin team to be offensive or outside the rules will be deleted there as well.

Q: Does that mean I can't tell the guys/gals when something big happens in my life?
A: Of course you can! We are a community of like minded enthusiasts here and try to treat all our members with respect and friendship. Use of the "OT" designator is helpfull so that those who don't want to read such posts can avoid them, but for the large part the new member will find all the membership is happy to congratulate or commiserate with them on the milestones in their lives. Should you wish to post an OT subject in the main board for the enhanced visibility, we will understand, but once it leaves page one it will be transferred to the OT forum.

Obviously there is a practical limit to the amount of such threads that are desirable, but it is up to the member posting to be an adult and self regulate such things for a large part.

Q: What is "Flaming"?
A: Flaming is the practice of posting inflammatory or derogatory posts on a thread. Though a healthy discussion on a thread subject is encouraged, and the presence of opposing views on subjects will allways be a consequence of such discussion, at any time that such posting degenerates into out-and-out abuse or insulting behaviour then action WILL be taken.

Q: Can I talk about things going on in other boards like this on the net?
A: Yes, but only with regards to items of Aliens interest. Other board politics or infighting being imported here will not be tolerated, no matter how good the intentions.

This will hopefully consist of the offending person or persons being contacted and asked to edit their posts. If time does not allow or the person proves unwilling to do so, then the moderators can and will edit the posts themselves.

Thankfully such behaviour has seldom made an appearance on this board.

Q: How do I contact a moderator?
A: Email rook3 @ rookscastle . com , harry @ triotech . demon . co . uk , or use the PM function on the forums. Most moderators will return your e-mail/PM within 24 hours.

Q : How do I add an image?
A: There are two ways of doing this.

1) Using a off site photo hosting service such as" onclick=";return false; Photobucket allows you to upload your image, and after the image is uploaded from your PC, they even include a board tag that can be easily clicked and then you can paste it into your posting. If you have your own web server, you can post an image using the (img) (/img) tags. YOU NEED TO REPLACE THE ( ) BRACKETS WITH THE [ ] STYLE.

2) Use the forum's own built in attachment posting ability located below the message typing frame.

Q: Can I post or advertise auctions on the board?
A: Auctions (active or pending) may only be posted in the PX Sales Section. Access to the PX
is granted after you have participated in the community for a preset period of time and have a pre-determined number
of quality postings in the community. The reason for this decision is to keep people from joining the site, only
to sell their stuff and then disappear, never to be heard from again. If that is the case you can always sell your
items on eBay instead of here. Regarding auctions, you can post listings provided you comply with the following
community rules:


(A) You are the seller, or...

(B) You know that the "screen used" item in question is a fake and the item in question is not part of a larger auction
of items (for instance, the seller claims a helmet being sold is screen used is part of an auction of vaccuformed helmet, armor, rifle, etc. ), or...

(C) The auction has ended. OR...

(D) The item is a regularly offered item in an eBay store.

If you decide to post an auction that does not meet the above criteria the post will be removed or edited to comply
with the board policy.

"A writer needs a pen, a painter a brush, and a filmmaker an army." - Orson Wells.

 Post subject: Re: Forum Rules And Posting Guidelines.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:38 pm 
Moderator & screen used
User avatar

Location: United Kingdom
Service Number: A08/TQ1.0.02136E1
Country: United Kingdom
Below are the rules for the Base PX section:

Image - @TheHHACA

 Post subject: Re: Forum Rules And Posting Guidelines.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:38 pm 
Moderator & screen used
User avatar

Location: United Kingdom
Service Number: A08/TQ1.0.02136E1
Country: United Kingdom
The Aliens Legacy Forum Discussion Board SALES
Section (Base PX) Rules of Usage & Conduct:

The Aliens Legacy reserves the right to lock, delete or alter
any post at our discretion. We will never alter a post maliciously
(IE: Change a Price) but we will correct formatting and spelling if
needed. The Sales Section is a service the Aliens Legacy
allows our small fan based the local community but it does have
guidelines. ANY deviation from the set guidelines may result in
the locking and or deletion of the offending post.

This service is allowed to help you: the fans. If you abuse it, then
nobody will be allowed to sell anything on the AL any
more. In any section.

0.2 Why am I unable to post here?
New users must make a certain number of genuine posts in other sections of The Aliens Legacy
before they are able to post replies to The Base PX.

Single line spam posts (Example: "Me too," "Yeah." etc.) just to inflate your post count will
not be tolerated, won't help you and will likely be deleted.

Only established users who have been a member of the community for a length of time are
permitted to make new topics in The Base PX.
If you are only here to sell stuff and not
contribute to the group through the sharing of information or general chat in the community,
you might be better served to choose eBay.

0.3 What is the minimum post requirements to access the PX? We're not going to
tell you the actual amount... but it's REALLY LOW. Seriously, I'm sure there's a couple threads
on the forums you have an opinion about. Check out your fellow board members build threads... leave
a nice comment on their work... discuss how badly Alien 3 was... you'll have full access to the PX in no

I think the record for a new contributing member was like 2 days. :)

0.4 Why were my PX privileges removed?
This could be for any number of things. Some possible reasons include...

- Posting "illegal" items for sale (Child Porn, Drugs, Live Fire Weapons, etc). If there's
any question you have about your item, please ask a member of the Mod/Admin

- Not addressing "issues" with your sale such as wrong item shipped/received,
item received in a broken condition (but not mentioned in the sale listing), etc.
ALWAYS list any flaws in your item if possible. Honesty, oddly enough, will
get you sales.

- Not completing transactions. Such as taking payment and not shipping items.

This action in particular may get ALL of your Aliens Legacy posting privileges
removed and may result in you getting yourself banned from the entire site.

We have to ensure that the PX is a fair and trusted place for our members to
sell, buy and trade. If you deal fairly with each other, you'll be treated fairly
in return.

0.5 What the heck is a 'PX'? PX is an older
US military base designation that stands for 'Post Exchange.'
enlisted personnel could buy standard convenience store supplies
on base rather than going out in public. And since the military is all
fired up about using obscure designations to confuse people, in
other countries the 'PX' has also been known as 'CanEx'
or 'CanAm' or 'NAAFI.'

1. Please try to keep posts related to Movie Props
and/or costuming (or Alien(s) related items.
will be dealt with on a case by case basis. All sales that do not
meet this requirement will be locked and deleted within 24 hours.
If you're not sure if your item should be sold in the Sales section,
PM a Discussion Board Moderator and ask.

2. Post Titles MUST include the appropriate heading.
□ FS - For Sale
□ WTS - Want to Sell (Basically the same thing)
□ WTB - Want to Buy
□ WTT - Want to Trade
□ NTS - NEED to Sell
□ EBAY - Link to EBay Auction of an item you own.
□ INTEREST - Used to gauge interest in a run of items not yet created.

IE: 'FS: USED CYMA Thompson', 'WTT: Spat Armor for Motion
Tracker', 'WTB: USCM Helmet Cover', 'NTS: Airsoft VP70'

WTB Sales are allowed but MUST BE SPECIFIC.
Allowed: 'WTB: Spat Armor', 'WTB: Halcyon Facehugger', 'WTB:
CYMA M1A1 Thompson AEG'

Not Allowed: 'WTB: Cheap Pulse Rifle'

NOTE: WTB posters CANNOT DICTATE PRICE. Sellers set the price.
If you post a WTB, you get what ever Sellers want to post. Your
budget is not their concern.



2c) Why should I contact Harry Harris about this?

Because Harry is an authority on the screen used props/costumes
and either owns or has talked with the creators of a majority of
the items. You can research some of the screen used items
yourself over at:

3. Sellers set their own price. If you are
not involved or interested in a specific Sale, keep out of it. If you
don't like their price, too bad. That is what they set it at. No one
cares what price you've seen elsewhere, what you've paid before,
or what you think the price should be. If you're not a part of the
Sale, keep your mouth shut. Feel free to PM and make a counter
if you don't like it.

3a) Resales: If you sold your item to a
person for $10 and they resell it for $100, or give it to somone you
don't like... too bad. Once it's in their hands, it's their property and
they can do what they want with it; be it eat it, burn it or put on a
fruit basket hat and sing 'Chiquita Bannana.' It is their choice. You
don't have to like it and it is not under your control.

4. No flaming or defamation of a Sales Post or a
Seller without PERSONAL experience with the item or seller.

IE: Seller ABC received my money but never sent the item
and its been 6 months? or Seller XYZ sold me a gun that was
broken and missing pieces, but he sold it as new?. You are NOT
allowed to chime in if your friend got ripped off or if you heard from
a friend of a friend that a seller was bad. Again, if you are not
involved directly in the Sale, keep out of it.

4. 4a. No posting of useless chitchat in somone's sales thread.

Example: Person "A" is selling Grenades. Person "B" chimes in
with, 'Has anyone ever thought that these look like lip balm
containers? What's your favorite flavor of lip balm?'

Off-topic posts may be deleted at such time as a given member of
the moderation team feels they have been taken too far.

If you yourself think that this stage has been reached, please PM
one of the Admin or Moderation team and we will take a closer look!

Reply posts relating to formatting, grammar, content or rules
violations will likely remain in the sales listing to assist the
thread poster and any others
in following the forum guidelines.

5. All Sales MUST HAVE A PRICE. Sellers
are not allowed to fish for prices or bids. Most honest sellers know
what they want for their item/s, so they should post that price. If a
Seller honestly has no idea what price they should sell their item
for, it is their responsibility to do the research to find a price they
are comfortable with. NO EXCEPTIONS.

6. No board Auctions. If you want to sell
an item, sell it. If you want to do an Auction, post it on EBay or
somewhere else.

7. Offending Topics & Posts will be deleted, modified,
and or corrected based purely on the discretion and whim of the
This is an open ended rule as moderators
have a choice but if you want to make sure your post stays up,
follow the rules from the start.

8. All Sales Topics are deleted automatically after 30
days of inactivity.
This is a setting of the Dboard.

9. Sales topic rehashing or 'bumping' is
not allowed.
If you want your items to sell; lower your
price, offer a different deal, separate items if in a package, or sell it
elsewhere. The fact that you're item is not getting any interest,
regardless of how many times you bring attention to it, should be
an indication to change your method. To be blunt: Change your sale or let it die.

Lower prices = sales.

It's as simple as that.

Also, relax and do NOT worry that you don't get any replies 5
minues aftter you post your item. Our members are located all
over the planet, not just in the USA... it may take a while for
someone to read and reply to your posting.

9a. Sellers are allowed to update their threads
with new pics - So long as the new material is markedly different
from what was originally in the thread in the first place.

Example: Pictures of a raw kit updated with pictures of a finished
kit. Close up shots to show small detailing, etc. Posting a picture
that is rotated 2 degrees from the previous picture is a Bump
and will be deleted.


Let's just clarify this again for anyone who couldn't figure it out...


Any threads that look like this:

Hey, welcome aboard the AL. Be sure to check out my threads in the sales section!


WOW! nice work there dude! but you know what? my
*insert product here* would really help you finish that costume off,
be sure to check out my threads in the for sale section!

You get the idea. And if you don't, your 'Pointing' thread will be
edited or deleted anyway. See subsection 14 for more

10. Individuals who reproduce copyrighted items are
themselves responsible if The Copyright Holder comes knocking.
If The Copyright Holder complains, we will of course
remove any threads they object to, just like on eBay.

11) Recasting: Selling of recast items is
NOT allowed. Period. Postings of such items will be deleted.

12) Runs of items: Because we're a small
community we will be allowing runs of items. HOWEVER, as with all
other sales, doing a run of an item seen in the films is at your
own risk.
If you receive a Cease and Desist Order from a movie
studio because of it, you're on your own.

12a) When an Interest or showoff thread starts taking names for a run, it will be moved to the PX.

13) Found Items: Found items as seen in
the film (Racal headsets, Alarm Boxes, lamp parts, etc.) that were
used to make movie props are fair game for runs or group buys...
because they're found items. Anyone could locate them.

The Aliens Legacy Forum does not condone the sale of Airsoft
guns to minors without parental acknowledgment. It is the
responsibility of the Seller to insure all legal aspects of sales are
adhered to. Just be responsible when you sell Airsoft guns.

* Sellers and Buyers with a history of negative dealings will be
refused access to the Aliens Legacy Sales Section and depending
on the severity of offense/s banned from the Aliens Legacy
Discussion Board. Treat people fairly and you won't have a problem.

14) Sellers and Buyers are responsible for knowing
the rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. Threads will be
locked or deleted depending on the severity of the infraction.

Know the rules, follow them, or don't cry when we lock
and/or delete your posts.

Russ Krook III

Image - @TheHHACA

 Post subject: [FORUM TUTORIAL]: How to Upload Images Directly to AL Forum
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:33 am 
Mobile Mayhem
User avatar

Location: Rapid View, Saskatchewan
Service Number: A10/TQ1.O.32157E1
Country: Canada
Some people may not know how to upload images directly to the forum, so they upload and link to a 3rd party image hosting site instead such as "Photobucket", "Imgur", "Flickr", etc. There's nothing wrong with doing it that way if that's what you prefer, but as the board continues to grow and more information comes in, one must consider the longevity of images hosted this way. Oftentimes, image links become "broken" over time for various reasons and suddenly people viewing our lovely forum can no longer see the images you posted. This is why it is greatly appreciated if people upload images directly to the forum, where they will remain on the board server until they are removed by the poster or administrator.

A perfect example is the current situation of the Archives section of the forum containing dead/broken images that were once very important discoveries.

The goal of this thread is to show users how to upload images or files (such as .pdf , .txt , .docx , .ttf) directly to the board.

On a computer:

First, you will want to click either "NEW TOPIC", "ADD REPLY" or if you are using the Quick Reply field at the bottom of a thread, "Full Editor". You will not lose the message you have started to compose in the Quick Reply text box, so don't worry!

Next, on the bottom of the "Message Body" field you will see an area like this labeled "Upload attachment":

AL Upload Attachment Field Highlighted.jpg
AL Upload Attachment Field Highlighted.jpg [ 234.58 KiB | Viewed 78827 times ]

1) Click on the grey "Choose File" button in the "Filename" field. Then select your file from your PC in the pop up window and click "Open".
2) Next, click on the "Add the file" button just below and to the right. Your browser should open a small pop-up window that shows the progress of the upload. Depending on the file size, it will stay up longer. Just ignore this, it will close automatically when it is finished.

Uploading progress pop-up example:

AL Uploading Progress pop-up.jpg
AL Uploading Progress pop-up.jpg [ 35.48 KiB | Viewed 78827 times ]

You can choose to add comments for each file you upload in their respective "File comment" text box but it's optional.

Note: Currently you can only upload 5 files under 2mb each to each post or private message. Follow these steps for each file as you can only add one file at a time. Most ".jpeg" files tend to stay within the maximum 2mb file size limit, so if you have large photos, use ".jpeg" files over ".png" files. You can see your attachments in the "Posted attachments" field below the "Upload attachment" field.

If you would like to feature your attached files in a particular order within your message body, you can use the "Place inline" feature below the "Message body" field in the new "Attachments" field directly below it:

AL Place inline Feature.jpg
AL Place inline Feature.jpg [ 217.67 KiB | Viewed 78827 times ]

Select one of your attachments from the drop down menu and then click the "Place inline" button to the right. This will input the appropriate file "code" wherever your cursor/insertion point indicator is currently blinking in your message body.

Additionally, these same steps also work on smartphones and other mobile devices! :D

Happy posting! :delta:

Lt. Melissa L. Klassen, ALG
AL Colonial Admin. - Executive Officer (XO) -- 2021-2022
RCCM | Royal Canadian Colonial Marines - Commanding Officer (CO) -- 2021-2022

Read the AL Charter Rules & Regulations:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:32 pm 

Location: Albuquerque, NM
Service Number: A08/TQ1.0.32154E1
Country: United States
I'm glad this topic is up!
I don't seem to have any issues uploading pictures if it's being published on the board, from my tablet for example.
I am having a hard time uploading a pic for my profile. Whenever I try, the system keeps telling me the picture is too large to fit.
I'm not sure how to scale a picture from my computer and tablets media folder for my profile to be fit for my profile. What am I doing wrong?

Cpl. Blake
Albuquerque, NM

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:26 am 
Mobile Mayhem
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Location: Rapid View, Saskatchewan
Service Number: A10/TQ1.O.32157E1
Country: Canada
catling wrote:
I'm glad this topic is up!
I don't seem to have any issues uploading pictures if it's being published on the board, from my tablet for example.
I am having a hard time uploading a pic for my profile. Whenever I try, the system keeps telling me the picture is too large to fit.
I'm not sure how to scale a picture from my computer and tablets media folder for my profile to be fit for my profile. What am I doing wrong?

The avatar requirements are 125 pixels by 125 pixels max. To do this on a PC, open desired image with Paint program, select your desired squarish area with the selection tool, copy it, open a fresh Paint document, paste, then resize by pixel size and type 125 in the field, save and upload.

If there's interest I can make another tutorial for Avatars. Mods, perhaps a Ready Line Subforum for new members can house these tutorials, the forum rules and Introduction thread?

Lt. Melissa L. Klassen, ALG
AL Colonial Admin. - Executive Officer (XO) -- 2021-2022
RCCM | Royal Canadian Colonial Marines - Commanding Officer (CO) -- 2021-2022

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